
Published on : 31 Dec 2023

The field of activity of a neighbourhood committee concerns not the defense of specific interests, but issues of general interest: roads, traffic, cleanliness, neighborhood, etc.

Dear residents of the neighbourhood,

This definition of a neighbourhood committee clearly highlights its role in the democratic life of the city, especially in a “quartier”. These objectives are ambitious because they aim to voice the concerns of residents and their lifestyle choices to the levels where political decisions are made.

Our neighbourhood committee, the European Quarter Committee of Brussels GAQ, enjoys a strong reputation among political authorities and other similar committees in Brussels.
Together, we handle significant issues and have been leading crucial battles for the urban future of our city. These include the Leaselex and The One cases, not to mention other projects that will be analysed in light of the new RRU (alias Good Living) under construction. We also monitor the appeals that have been filed.

Other issues will also occupy us throughout this new year of 2024, such as the Schuman roundabout.

Finally, let’s not forget the festive dimension of our action: flea markets, annual celebrations, friendly drinks, and the publication of our Infor-Quartier.

But nothing is possible without your contribution

We invite you to renew your membership or become a member of the nonprofit organisation by paying € 25 (or more) annually to the account below.

The communication should indicate your name, postal address (mandatory), and email (please replace the “@” in your email address with “-“).
Any payment from November 1st is valid for the following year.

GAQ Nonprofit Organisation Account:
IBAN BE54 3631 8311 2697

From the blog