Become a member

You share our goals and live in the European Quarter of Brussels? Become a GAQ member!

The options:

  1. Online registration and secure payment through this link
    • Some of the information on our site is reserved for our members only. To have “Member access” to the site, please follow the instructions below.
    • Create a new user profile below. Full access to the site is reserved for GAQ members only and must be verified by us. (To modify your existing profile, follow this link.)
    • Please do not register more than once.
    • In case of problems, please contact
  2. Bank transfer of 25€ (or more) per year to the account below, with name, postal and email address in the transfer communication, (please replace the “@” in your email address by a “-” ).

All payments from November onwards remain valid for the following year.

Compte/rekening/account GAQ asbl (nouveau compte depuis 2019)

IBAN : BE54 3631 8311 2697 – BIC : BBRUBEBB