Monthly meeting on September 10, 8pm

Published on : 8 Sep 2024


Maison de Quartier Ambiorix


Camille De Clercq (Head Conservation Department at KIK-IRPA Brussels)
and Marie-Christine Claes (Cellule recherche en Histoire de l’Art et inventaire | Responsable des thésaurus Balat)

IRPA, who are we?


1/ Approval of the minutes of the last meeting and the agenda

2/ presentation of Mrs De Clercq and Mrs Claes
Questions and answers

3/ News from the Rond-point Schuman

4/ Urbanisme :
* Schuman: status report
* New public enquiries
1. from 29 August to 12 September

  – rue Le Titien 44; see: Région de Bruxelles-CapitaleVILLE DE BRUXELLES_;

2. from 2 to 16 september:

              – rue Belliard 177; see: Région de Bruxelles-CapitaleVILLE DE BRUXELLES_;

5/ Mobility
Current situation

6/ Quality of life
New letters concerning Kaméa and Franklin traffic lights

7/ Miscellaneous

Brocante reminder. There is still time to register

Midis de l’IRIB

Heritage Days 14 and 15 September 2024

World Environment Day 21 September 2024

We look forward to seeing many of you at this back-to-school meeting.

From the blog